Throughout the coming year lets take the time to explore many of the healing methods both ancient and new that are being used around the world by many natural health practitioners. One such method is called Enzyme Therapy!
Without enzymes, human beings cannot exist. These complex proteins are the catalysts that control almost all of the body's processes. They trigger all of the biochemical reactions and ensure that these processes occur in a timely manner. For instance, enzymes transform food into energy and the regulate blood clotting as well as the transmission of genetic material, they also are responsible for the functioning of the entire immune system. Each enzyme is specialized and target a specific function. So far, about 2,500 human enzymes have been identified.
Today, modern enzyme therapy relies primarily on preparations that contain protein splitting enzymes known as proteases, that are drawn from plant and animal sources. These are taken internally or applied externally for inflammations, infections and rheumatism and as a supplementary treatment to cancer therapies.
Eating enzyme rich fruits can be very therapeutic; these foods help the body replenish its own supply of enzymes. Today we know that figs, papayas, avocados and pineapples are rich in these enzymes, But even before people know the exact composition of these foods, they recognized their healing potential. An early medicinal use of the fig, for example, is recorded in the Bible; where the Prophet Isaiah suggested using a fig plaster as a natural remedy.
Enzymes can alleviate digestive disorders, boost the body's ability to battle infection and reduce unwanted immune reactions, as in the case of allergies. Enzymes may also be used for relieving autoimmune illnesses. Enzymes can serve as decongestants and pain relievers and in many cases they help speed the healing of wounds. They have been shown to support the therapeutic action of antibiotics and some chemotherapy and at the same time they improve the body's tolerance for many of these drugs.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
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